James Miller CV

Business Analyst, Data Enthusiast, Music Producer, and Teacher.

Managing Business Data

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Within the realm of Business Data Management, the aim of this project (2020) was to develop an information system application for a client. Its purpose was to justify, design, develop, and implement information systems applications. Given my experience with the UQ Wakeboard & Waterski Club, I opted this student-led group to create mutual benefits for all stakeholders.

Within this project contains:

  • Process model, highlighting how the application fits in the context of the organisiation,
  • Input controls (valid and invalid data); system controls (integrity, normalisation, triggers); human controls (handling of sensitive data),
  • SQL scripts (redacted to public but can produce by request),
  • Explanation of security controls,
  • Data cleaning and data quality maintenance plan, and
  • Useful reports for the organisation.

Note: information redacted due to a non-disclosure agreement of the club.

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